
Love is internal feeling of heart. It is very necessary for our family. We all receive and give love in so many different ways to so many different people in our lives. Without love our life is useless. It is better for our family, society and our country. It's absolutely necessary to having a happy life. True love is supporting their passion. We know that all the people belong to different background but live together with happily. We all know that love is center of attraction for human being. Love connect to the people in our society. I think that it is very great thing in the world. We all know that where there is love, there is peace. It can't purchase by wealth. It is very powerful, No one can break it. I think that there are two kinds of love. Internal love and External love. Internal love is direct connected by heart. It can't be break up in any ways. True love is necessary for our life. I do true love with our family very well and they love me also and My friends are also so good they remember me always and i also remember all my friends but External love is only for the people that i do love but is it is not real love. Specially, The youngster don't understand about it. Actually, I see that most of youngsters do only physical love. Physical love is not for long duration and it is short term period. Sometimes i go to village and i meet all my friends. When I meet my friends i feel very happy and enjoy with my friends. I play together daily in the evening. Most of festivals I celebrate at my village. Recently, I got married in 12 May 2019 and after that feel happy. I think love is not only romance but also it is combination of good relationship and understanding each other.
It is always easier to blame others. Always, What's hard looking to yourself and realizing that may be it;s you who needs to change. Before you have amazing relationships and you have to be someone. True love is the emotion shared between a couple who care deeply each other. Real true love is being  very caring , loving, committed and being very faithful to one another too. Love is addressing problems and challenges, not avoiding them. I think love is arguing, but not attacking. Love is selfless and I truly believe that we should love everyone. I think that true love is rare in this world.


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